The Role of the PSHE Lead


Course introduction

Across the UK, all schools are being expected as to teach relationships and sex and health education frequently within a wider framework of personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education. High quality learning and teaching in PSHE education is not only an entitlement for children and young people but also helps to improve academic attainment across the curriculum.

Happy, healthy children learn better and happy, healthier staff teach better and even before the pandemic, pupils social and emotional development, their behaviour and attitudes and how the school addresses sexual violence and harassment are crucial wellbeing and attainment.

Few colleagues receive any initial teacher training in this essential component of the curriculum and many colleagues are now being invited to leadership positions to address the statutory expectations. This PSHE education leadership training does ‘what is says on the tin’. It is designed to provide you with a clear understanding how to improve the provision, that meets the needs of your pupils. This step-by-step course will take you through the attributes, skills and knowledge needed to ensure compliance with the statutory expectations and develop a curriculum that promotes the health and relationships of children and young people, and supports staff wellbeing.

Following the course, you will be asked to complete a school-based audit of your current provision and wellbeing which is analysed, assessed by our expert consultant who will give feedback and advise on some ways to improve outcomes for pupils and staff still further. Further coaching and one-to-one support will also be available on request.

Would you like to book in-house training?
Contact us today and speak to one of our team.

What we will cover throughout the day

  • Understand the current expectations of PSE / RSE / RS(H)E and PSHE Education, and ways to effectively adapt provision to meet the needs of your pupils;

  • Consider what good leadership involves, and different techniques to achieve this;

  • Unpick what is needed to ensure that our policies and practice meet the expectations of the inspection services;

  • Plan a curriculum that is evidence-based and theory informed to optimise outcomes for children and young people;

  • Create a safe and appropriate learning environment;

  • Equip colleagues to develop more interactive, participatory pedagogical approaches;

  • Look at ways to assess, evaluate and record pupils learning;

  • Provide a framework for developing an action plan.

Target audience

Anyone who is or may become a subject leader for RSE / R(S)HE / PSHE in a primary, secondary or special school setting.

Trainers for this course

John Rees

See what others have to say about us

Don’t just take our word for it, visit our social media pages for live feedback.

The success of John’s training is largely due to his authoritative grasp of the current and surrounding issues which allows him the flexibility to adapt training to suit the needs of participants. Local Authority Advisor

John has demonstrated cultural sensitivity in adapting the materials and training for our context… PRU PSHE Lead

John is an exceptional speaker and trainer. His presentation made excellent use of the resources which was appropriate for both expert and less informed people… Secondary School Leader


In-House Training

In-House Training

We currently have no upcoming dates for this course - Please contact us for more information or if you would like this course delivered as in-house training.