The Explosive Pupil! Anger Management for Schools and Colleges
1 date
+ VATWhen we focus on our own behaviour as adults, dramatic positive changes can take place in the behaviour of children and young people. We as practitioners need to be invested in a consistent approach, that will be understood and respected by pupils.
This course ‘Shift Your Mindset: Outstanding Behaviour Management’ is designed to provide teaching and non-teaching staff with a set of techniques and strategies to help reframe approaches, perceptions and expectations around behaviour. By implementing these will not only allow us to deliver and implement highly effective behaviour management but will also teach our pupils fundamental skills to help them succeed and progress through school/college.
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Understand the impact mindset has on your actions;
Challenge typical or traditional perceptions around behaviour;
Practice reframing behaviour to elicit the desire response;
Learn the impact and power of body language in your communication with students;
Understand the impact of the words you say and how you say them;
Implement clear expectations to create a positive culture;
Learn how to build positive relationships with your students;
Implement a plan for environmental considerations;
Implement consistent approaches and create a positive culture;
Consider using the SID Model to your advantage;
Leave with a kit bag of workable and manageable solutions to consistently promote positive behaviours in school/college.
Aimed at anyone working directly or indirectly with students. Ideal for school/college-based staff including teachers, lecturers, head teachers, deputy headteacher, SENCO/ALNCO, special education teacher, school support staff, classroom assistant, teachers, teaching assistant, mental health lead, pastoral care staff and pastoral lead teacher.
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In-House Training
We currently have no upcoming dates for this course - Please contact us for more information or if you would like this course delivered as in-house training.