NSM Training & Consultancy provides a range of training to support all areas of mental health and wellbeing. We provide training to meet your specific needs and help you on your learning journey.
Our training supports the provision put in place at schools/colleges to provide students and staff with mental health support and ensure their physical and mental wellbeing.
Developing the skill set, confidence, consistency and empathy of all staff are the key ingredients to long term success.
Supporting students and staff to develop awareness, challenge stigma, build strategies and prioritise wellbeing.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Conference
You Look Fine To Me: Developing purposeful staff well-being in schools/colleges
Advanced Mental Health Lead
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
Supporting Mental Health in Specialist / Alternative Provisions
Trauma, Anxiety and Mental Health Training
Mindfulness & Wellbeing: A Practical Introduction
A Step-By-Step Approach: Becoming A Trauma Informed School
An Anxious Child is not a Learning Child: Practical ways to support anxiety in students
It’s Ok Not To Be Ok: Supporting the Mental Health of Students
Managing Bereavement in Education: A Whole School Approach
Managing Social Media to Promote Positive Mental Health & Behaviour
The Role of the School Mental Health Lead
Movement Matters for Wellbeing – Live Online
Peer Mentoring Programme Training for Education Staff
J. Gregory
Mental Health Lead
Contact us today to discuss your training needs and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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