What is mindfulness, and how can it contribute to staff & pupil wellbeing? This course will give delegates a clear understanding of what mindfulness is (& isn’t – it’s not really about “making your mind quiet”!), how useful it is as a key skill for 21st Century life, and how teachers can practise it for themselves and with pupils. We’ll also consider how schools can build it into everyday life, over time, in easy and effective ways.
In education, we focus on studying subjects – the world ‘out there’ – like maths, geography, science, and art. We might call this “outer education”, and it is important. With mindfulness, however, we get to know the subject of study, or the nature of the mind that is doing all the experiencing and learning. This is the beginning of “inner education”, and it is equally important. Sadly, though, it is largely ignored in our education system. With a greater understanding of my mind, there is room for more choice over how I respond to life’s events. Self-regulation, self-efficacy, and self-awareness are all essential to wellbeing and learning. Mindfulness can help in developing these areas very effectively.
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Gain a clear understanding of what mindfulness is and why it is important to wellbeing;
Experience & reflect upon mindfulness practice for yourself;
Explore very practical techniques and approaches for use with pupils;
Consider how your school might develop mindfulness over time.
Aimed at anyone who is looking to implement and/or develop within mindfulness and wellbeing in order to support school staff and students. Ideal for school-based staff including teachers, head teachers, deputy headteacher, SENCO, special education teacher, school support staff, classroom assistant, teaching assistant, pastoral care staff and pastoral lead teacher.
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In-House Training
We currently have no upcoming dates for this course - Please contact us for more information or if you would like this course delivered as in-house training.