Executive Function Skills; What are they and how can we help improve them?


Course introduction

Executive function skills are a set of mental skills that are vital to our daily life, and especially important to be a successful learner. Many students will have underdeveloped executive function skills for a variety of reasons. This course will look at why that is and how we can help students improve their skills for better learning and life outcomes.

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What we will cover throughout the day

  • Understand what is meant by executive function skills;

  • Look at what affects the development of our executive function skills;

  • Create a learning environment to improve executive function;

  • Support executive function in neurodiverse students;

  • Use coaching as a technique to improve executive function;

  • Look at techniques to improve working memory, organisation and planning;

  • Understand the role of executive function in changing negative behaviour patterns.

Target audience

Aimed at anyone working directly or indirectly with students. Ideal for school/college-based staff including teachers, lecturers, head teachers, deputy headteacher, SENCO/ALNCO, special education teacher, school support staff, classroom assistant, teachers, teaching assistant, mental health lead, pastoral care staff and pastoral lead teacher.

See what others have to say about us

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The trainer was brilliant, training has been informative and interactive throughout, really good.

Making me think a lot about our school and how we can improve our provision for our children. The Trainer was very informative and a good balance of information and discussion.

Great informative session. I have attended many courses with NSMTC and they are great!


In-House Training

In-House Training

We currently have no upcoming dates for this course - Please contact us for more information or if you would like this course delivered as in-house training.